Every five years the Schoolcraft Conservation District (SCD) looks for feedback about natural resources and conservation in our county. This survey helps us focus future efforts on conservation priorities as identified by our public, helping us to promote and implement conservation. Responding to this survey gives community members an opportunity to influence the future planning and protection of natural resources in Schoolcraft County as well as our future quality of life.
Our most recent Conservation Needs Assessment (CNA) took place during the spring and summer of 2024 and garnered responses from 128 individuals. 55 of these 128 individuals were tree sale customers who responded to a shortened version of the survey.
Collectively, respondents identified the following as areas to prioritize in the coming years: native plants and pollinators, invasive species, water quality, forests/woodlands, and wildlife. While the district is not limited to these priorities, they will serve as a guide for us in determining what projects, grants, workshops, events, and educational opportunities we should pursue going forward. The results of our 2024 CNA can be found below.
Our most recent Conservation Needs Assessment (CNA) took place during the spring and summer of 2024 and garnered responses from 128 individuals. 55 of these 128 individuals were tree sale customers who responded to a shortened version of the survey.
Collectively, respondents identified the following as areas to prioritize in the coming years: native plants and pollinators, invasive species, water quality, forests/woodlands, and wildlife. While the district is not limited to these priorities, they will serve as a guide for us in determining what projects, grants, workshops, events, and educational opportunities we should pursue going forward. The results of our 2024 CNA can be found below.
Conservation Needs Assessment Results
1. How do you live, work, or play in Schoolcraft County? (128 responses)
2. Which natural areas do you utilize in Schoolcraft County? Check all that apply. (73 responses)
3. Of the land and water priorities listed below, which are the most important for SCD to address in Schoolcraft County over the next five years? Please select up to five. (128 responses)
4. As the SCD works to address agricultural/farmland concerns, what areas should we focus on? Select up to three. (71 responses)
5. As SCD works to address water quality concerns (drinking water, lakes, streams, ponds, wetlands, etc.), what areas should we focus on? Select up to three. (71 responses)
6. As SCD works to address forest/woodland concerns, what areas should we focus on? Select up to three. (71 responses)
7. As SCD works to address non-farmed land concerns (backyards, prairies, meadows, open lands, etc.), what areas should we focus on? Select up to three. (72 responses)
8. SCD provides the following programs and services. Which are you aware of and/or have participated in? Select all that apply. (73 responses)
9. How effective do you feel SCD has been at addressing conservation needs in Schoolcraft County? (73 responses)
10. Where do you live? (73 responses)